Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Pushing out the experienced

         Recently a member of my family applied for a senior management position at their place of employment. He was very qualified and had years of experience and was told  that he was a valued employee.

This position would have enhanced his family's standard of living and made it possible for their child to attend a school where she would have received help for her learning disability. Also it would have been in a place where dreams could come true as they always wanted to live in this particular state
 Where they live now  is so hectic and time spent in travel and traffic take away from their family time and makes  long days for everyone. His wife is unable to work at this time because she needs to home school their daughter and she cannot be left at home alone yet.

    The reason for this article is the job was given to someone younger and less experienced.

  It was a devastating blow to our family member because everyone thought he was going to get this job,his years as a valued and loyal employee didn't seem to matter. He is not old by many standards (55) Let alone his qualifications and certifications.

 What has happened to the employers of today? Why don't they seem to appreciate their employees?

  Why have qualifications and train for certifications if you cannot advance just because of age?

  Money also plays a factor as younger and inexperienced employees will take less money just for a chance to gain experience.I understand this as my children are in their 20's and will jump at a chance to move up in their place of employment even if the raise is not that great,it's often the experience they will gain from it.

 Being a business owner I know I value people and when they do a good job I appreciate that they are loyal and honest and treat them with respect. I love teach my employees new things and pay them accordingly.

Today many people I meet and talk with tell me that they feel the corporate world is a cold and cruel one and that they feel like numbers instead of human beings.

Also,  there is age and race discrimination in the job application process even though there are fair labor laws these are not being implemented and they are easily broken.

 Now, they are not sure if he will try for another position or just wait it out to retire one day with his company,they are however thankful he has a job and he works just as hard to make all the demands there work for the better of the company.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Rediscovered Passion

     So today I had some much needed me time and headed to my local bookstore to read and relax. I found a book I wanted to share with you that after reading most of it I began to rediscover my passion.
The name of the book is called "I could do anything if only I knew what it was" by Barbara Sher. It helps you create scenarios and rewrites to fit and find your creativity.

      I  know I love to help people and families I also love to write stories and poetry. I started thinking about a project my husband and I have been wanting to start to help couples and their relationships.We have been married for thirty years and have almost walked away twice,but through the grace of God and our faith in him we have stayed united. We also love each other very much and wouldn't want to be without each other. Our experiences can and will help another couple I just know it.

    I have felt over the past few years stifled and have had writers block.I don't know if it comes from all the trauma of being through a hurricane or the miscarriages I suffered in 2000. I haven't felt a passion to do much more than my business of dog walking and pet sitting which does bring me joy but has become very competitive and people are always price shopping.There is no prestige in it for me anymore and I only now serve my most loyal clientele.

 My husband and I are wanting to move to Jacksonville Florida closer to the beach, we need a change of scenery and a change of pace. I want to continue writing and helping as many couples and families as I can and keep my passion on fire where it needs to be in the direction God intends it to be.